4 個飲食習慣讓你不靠運動 也能輕鬆減重! 原來吃辣也有用!

4 個飲食習慣讓你不靠運動 也能輕鬆減重! 原來吃辣也有用!

冬天真的是令人長肉的季節, 首先是聖誕節, 緊接著是除夕, 再來就是農歷新年, 太多派對聚會, 餐餐也大魚大肉難免會放肆。  研究指控制體重的80%是靠飲食, 20%是運動, 所以除了運動也要留意飲食。如果你不喜歡瘋狂運動減重, 那麼有4個飲食習慣小貼士能讓你在享受食物同時, 體重不會暴升! 

Weight gain during winter is a common problem for all. First is Christmas, following with New Years Eve, then Chinese New Year. This is the season of gathering and eat! Studies proves the formula for weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. Good news that you can control your weight by your diet! If you are not a fan of cardio, there are 4 tips you need to follow! 


Natalie Hiong  wearing Horizon Light Tank Heart Leggings


1. 喝大量清水 Drink more water

首先要戒掉喝飲料的習慣, 珍珠奶茶, 汽水, 果汁等等。以飲料代替喝水, 除了致肥之外更會導致身體會長期缺水,將口渴混淆為飢餓, 也許飯後都會有飢餓感。如果喝水太單調, 可以飲檸檬水和綠茶, 但記得不要下糖喔! 

First of all you need to quite beverage. Say good bye to bubble tea, soda, juice. Beverage are not hydrating so it's not wise to take sugary beverage instead of water. The scary part is when your body is dehydrated you might confused it with hunger. If you think water is too blend you can a slice of lemon  but no sugar! 


Vivian Kan (left) wearing Eve Medium Impact Bra  & Kylie Leggings

Amy Conheeney (right) wearing Mack TankRipple Leggings


2. 每次吃飯吃30分鐘

飲食過量通常都是因為進食速度大快! 大腦感知到''飽''的信號,一般需要15-20分鐘, 假如吃得過快,在大腦未感知到飽,就會有過量的情況出現,因此最好能吃上30分鐘,這樣身體就會自然地產生飽腹感,從而停止進食。


The main reason of overeating is eating too fast! Our body need 15-20 mins to generate the signal of ''full'', if we eat too fast it don't allow our brain to produce that signal and that caused overeating. Try to eat 30 mins every meal! 


 Roxanne Gan wearing Alicia Light Impact Bra & Streamline Leggings


3. 用較小的碗碟 Use smaller plate 



Using smaller plates not only carry less food but also visually make it looks there are more foods on your plate. It could definitely avoid overeating! 


 Felina Chen wearing Karla Medium Impact Bra IIBrittany Mesh Waist Leggings


4. 吃辣! 

紅辣椒對於體重管理有三大益處, 一是增加能量消耗, 二是降低食慾, 第三可增加20%新陳代謝率! 新陳代謝好就會瘦得特別快! 


Chilli pepper could increase the burning of fat, reduce appetite and boost metabolism! The faster the metabolism rate the faster the weight loss! 

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