TitikaxMe| Qintensity創辦人Kitty Lo: 運動融入生活其實很簡單!

TitikaxMe| Qintensity創辦人Kitty Lo: 運動融入生活其實很簡單!

Kitty Lo數年前與丈夫一起創辦 Qintensity,一起推動香港人的户外運動風氣。她是馬來西亞人,是一位註冊藥劑師,和丈夫在英國讀書時認識,之後跟隨到香港生活。Kitty 離開自己熟悉的環境來到香港這地方生活,她並沒有放棄理想,並把它變為事業。現在她已成為母親,她是如何管理工作和家庭呢?一起來聽聽她的故事!

Kitty Lo is a Malaysian and a registered pharmacist. She met her husband when she was studying in England. She follow him to Hong Kong and form a family. It doesn't mean Kitty would give up finding her dream. She and her husband found Qintensity a workout community few years ago. Their goal is to motivate people to kickstart a healthy lifestyle anytime anywhere! They encourage people to enjoy outdoor activity. As a mother, how could she manage her mum-life and her work? Let's hear her story! 

1. 成立Qintensity背後的故事是什麼? Why starting up a workout community not other business? What's the story behind it? 
我和先生對健康生活十分關注,經常籌備户外活動與朋友一起參與。2017 的四月,我們在美國享受了3星期假期,嘗試不同的健身房和不同的訓練。在這期間我們得到啟發,想把群體運動文化帶回香港。 而我們發現當一個群體在一起運動時,那股動力是特別大的! 一開始我們由身邊的朋友同事組團隊,沒想到反應愈來愈好,發現大家都十分享受在户外做運動,我們的理念由一個念頭變成了我們的事業!香港有很多美麗的公園,實在很適合作室外訓練。
I and my husband always had a passion for health and wellness, being an active couple ourselves, we always organise outdoor activities and workouts for friends and families. We took a 3-weeks break in April 2017 and we went around US trying out different gyms and trainings as part of a passion project. During our trip, we realised, we wanted to bring the culture of working out together in small groups back to Hong Kong. As we found that very motivating to work with a group of people who you eventually become friends with. Hong Kong has endless beautiful parks and outdoor areas that could be our playground, we started off with working out with friends and colleagues and it eventually expanded from there onwards. People loved working out outdoors and giving their best during our one hour sweat session!
2. 公司的成立對你有正面影響嗎? Does Qintensity make any positive impact on you?
的確對我有很大的影響! 我在大學時期已經很活躍,但有時也會懶散和吃不健康的食物。自從成立了Qintensity ,因為是和團隊一起,我對運動更有動力,使我每次都能突破自己。 現在我會隨心地吃東西,然後做更多運動去平衡。我在學習聆聽自己的身體,接受自己有時候是可以吃不健康的食物,或是有時候會不想運動。知道自己身體的需要是十分重要的!
Yes, definitely a very positive impact - I was already pretty active since university but i do get lazy and have an unhealthy relationship with food. Ever since starting Qintensity community workout group, I am a lot more motivated to workout as a group with the same people and make sure I push myself to my limit. I will eat whatever I like and balance it out with working out a little bit harder. I learnt to appreciate my body as a vessel and learning to listen to it, whether i need to start eating healthy again after a weekend of junk food or whether my body needs a rest from working out so much. Learning to listen to my body is a very important skill that i have yet to master. 
Qintensity 吸引了一群志同道合的人! The Qintensity community share same goal - healthy lifestyle. 
3. 可以分享一個難忘的活動嗎? Can you share a unforgettable moment of the Qintensity community? 
去年我們參加了The Spartan race 來自美國的斯巴達高難度障礙賽。我們有這2位教練帶領我們挑戰這25個障礙和完成13公里,雖然我們當中有人輕微受傷但我們還是一起順利沖線了。無論有多艱難我們沒有放棄,這必定是我們最捧的團隊經歷! Qintensity 的宗旨是推動大家把運動融入生活,而這開始可以很容易,在室外或健身房也好,把運動變得簡單。
The Spartan race we did together was the most memorable events for our workout group. We had 2 coaches helping us through with 25 obstacles and pushing us to run 13km to finish the race. Some of us suffered minor injuries but we worked really well to pull through and get over the obstacles together! We never gave up and it was one of the best experiences we ever had together as a team. 
Our mission for Qintensity is to encourage people to kickstart a healthy lifestyle and they can easily do it anywhere, be it the gym or the great outdoors, there's so much we can do and it is a lot more fun working out in a group than working out alone. 
  Ginny Zip-Up Jacket & Linear Crop Legging
4. 你是一個活躍的人嗎? Are you a active person? 
由於爸爸診斷了糖尿病, 我便經常和他一起跑步。慢慢這變成我們之間的活動和習慣。當認識了我先生,他推薦HIIT給我,對我來說這很新鮮,是一種很多元化的訓練。從前我的户外運動就只是在籃球場投球,現在我可以把户外場地變成我們的健身房!
I used to run when i was younger accompany my father when he was diagnosed with diabetes. I ended up enjoy running as a quality time for our father and daughter bonding and it eventually became a habit. When i met my husband he introduced me to HIIT and different exercises you can do at the gym, before i was just shooting basketball hoops outdoors. Now, i enjoy working out everywhere,I really do enjoy the sights, the smells and the people around me when working out outdoors. 
5. 成為媽媽之後, 你是如何分配運動和工作的時間? As a mum with a toddler how do you squeeze time to keep in shape and running your business?
開始的時候我感到長期不夠休息總是很累。慢慢我學會不要把所有責任背上,不要責怪自己,如果感到太累是可以會找家人幫忙看顧一下小孩的。 有小孩的頭幾個月是最困難的,但我覺得為自己設下一個開始日期是一個好方法,不論是半年還是一年。當你覺得身體準備好便開始吧!有時離開一下小孩子去運動,分散一下對小孩的注意力對媽媽的身心也有好處!現在我已重拾運動,有固定的運動時間。平日如有活動或會議都會都小孩一起出席,幸好這個行業的人都很開通友善!
It was really hard at first because some times, you don't get enough sleep and your body is tired. So i had to slowly adjust and ask for help from my family to look after my little one when i'm too tired instead of taking the toll on my body. It is alright to ask for help or hire help if you need to. It was a rough first couple of months but i think setting a target date really motivates you. Everyone has a different start date, it can be 6 months post-baby or even, 1 year. Start when you are ready. Sometimes, going out of the house to workout for a break from the baby does so much good for your body and soul. Now, i have a regular workout routine. For events or meetings, i do take him with me when i need to and people are very open and happy with that especially in the health & wellness industry where everyone is very friendly and has a very positive vibe.
Kitty Lo is wearing  Melissa Long Sleeve Top pairing with Vitesse Leggings
6. 什麼類型的運動裝能提升你的運動表現? What workout clothing make you perform better?
I like workout clothing that are fitting but not too tight. I also like clothes that keeps me warm when working out outdoors during the colder weather. Of course, looking good when working out is a great motivation for me to maintain an active lifestyle for me. Being a fan of Titika clothing, it is comfortable yet has a sexy edge to it and it is true to its size! Love their service and packaging as well! 
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