TITIKA 再度參全香港最大型瑜伽節 - IRIS: YOUR ESCAPE 2018

TITIKA 再度參全香港最大型瑜伽節 - IRIS: YOUR ESCAPE 2018

在過去的週未, 中環海濱進行了2日的全香港最大型瑜伽節, IRIS: YOUR ESCAPE。這次是IRIS 在今年內第二次舉辦, 可見瑜伽和運動健康的風氣愈來愈強勁。TITIKA 亦是今年內第2次參與IRIS , 已是連續第3年參加。TITIKA 非常珍惜每一個能夠與顧客接觸的機會, 能讓客人體驗於TITIKA 實體購物, 親身感受TITIKA 產品的獨特剪裁和質料。

Last weekend is special as TITIKA was joining IRIS: YOUR ESCAPE in Central Harbourfront! This was the second IRIS event this year, you can tell Yoga and wellness is in the mainstream now. It's the third years TITIKA joining IRIS. TITIKA treasure any opportunities to see our customers. We believe you will fall in love with our beautiful cutting and hi-tech fabric.


天公造美, 連續2天都天空放晴, 陽光充沛非常適合戶外活動! TITIKA 的展位人流不絕, 顧客在炎熱的氣溫下仍不減購物慾。
The weather was perfect for outdoor activity! Countless people coming to our booth even it was so hot outside.

TITIKA送出的 GOODIE BAG 和 CAP帽十分受歡迎, CAP帽更首半天已清空!
Everyone loves TITIKA's goodie bag and cap !


KOL Chloe L 連續2天也穿上TITIKA 的單品現身支持!
Influencer Chloe L showing up support TITIKA's booth!
Left:Java Medium Impact Bra 
Right: Karla Medium Impact Bra and Sevyn Cropped Leggings 



瑜伽導師ARVY CHAN 穿上TITIKA大熱款式 Gatten BraTatianna Leggings

Yoga teacher Arvy Chan wearing the popular items Gatten Bra and Tatianna Leggings.




粉色和搶眼品牌LOGO真是今季必備! 瑜伽導師CRYSTAL也穿上Layla BraTatianna Leggings

Pastel and big logo really are the hottest items this season! Yoga teacher Crystal wearing Layla Bra and Tatianna Leggings too!


Nutrilicious 的創辦人Michelle 穿上 Horizon Light TankGeneva Leggings
Founder of Nutrilicious Michelle wearing Horizon Light Tank and Geneva Leggings .

 天朗氣清加上巨大的摩天輪做背景, 是假日放鬆的最佳去處!

Sunny day plus the eye catching ferris wheel in the back, perfect place to spend your weekend.



場內有瑜伽和不同運動無限放送, 既能享受日光浴又可以運動消閒!

Lots of yoga and fitness class available! Enjoy sunbathing and sweat out!



場外也有很展位和餐廳讓參加者購物和補充體力, 讓大家中場休息。 感謝每一位到訪TITIKA 的顧客, 感激你的參與!

There is a market for everyone take a break to do some shopping and grab some foods. Thanks everyone supporting our booth and participating this meaningful event!


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