Collection: Sweaters, Cardigans, Wraps & Ponchos for Women

Our sweaters are versatility at its best!! V neck or cut out designs are perfect to throw over your sports bra after a workout. Going for a night out? Pair them with our best selling leggings and high heels to get the runway look. We are meticulous to choose the best fabric to give you kitten soft and light weight feel. For chilly nights, thicker knits and wool designs add warmth and coziness. They are simply the perfect go-to pieces for any season.

我們的針織上衣可作運動衛衣,亦可作休閒上衣,能讓你在不同場合穿著,展現自己最美的一面。V領及挖空的設計有時尚感之餘又透氣舒適,在運動胸圍上套上一件針織上衣也不會感到侷促。衛衣搭配緊身褲及高跟鞋,即時轉換風格,在night out時成為全場焦點。柔軟輕盈的面料會令你一試愛上,一年四季都捨不得收進衣櫃。