研究:旅行有助身心健康- 快計劃你下一個旅程吧#100fitladytravel

研究:旅行有助身心健康- 快計劃你下一個旅程吧#100fitladytravel

每天坐在辦公室,看到別人旅遊的美照,有沒有蠢蠢慾動想出走一下?上月TITIKA Shanghai舉辦了一個全球一百名女性健身旅行計劃,活動召集了一百名熱愛運動和旅行的女仕,讓她們的旅途能穿著美美的TITIKA套裝運動!活動目的是鼓勵大家多點旅行探索世界,同時也要保持恆久的運動習慣,穿上吸睛的運動裝讓你增添自信!

Titika Shanghai launched an event last month, 100 “ FitLadyTravel |TitikaLove”. The event was looking for 100 ladies who love sport and planed their next travel. The purpose of the event are to encourage women to get moving and have regular exercise. Wearing Titika’s stylish activewear would make ladies feels confident that definitely motivate them to work-out more!



There are studies shows travel is beneficially to our mental and physical health. It’s time to plan your next vacation!



1. 降底膽固醇及高血壓 Say goodbye to high cholesterol and high blood pressure


We used to spend more time outside when we travel, we walk a lot. That helps us get extra oxygen to our body. The more active we are, the more we get our heart pumping which means lower the risk of high cholesterol problems and high blood pressure.



2. 增強記憶力 Improve brain health

多活動量,也刺激我們大腦負責存儲記憶的海馬體增長, 海馬體縮小會影響人的記憶力,所以即使無法隨時出走旅行,平日也要多步行和行山啊!

The hippocampi in our brain are responsible for the retention of information. The smaller they get, the less information they are able to take in. When we get more activity, our hippocampi both grow instead of shrink. Hiking and walking are excellent for growing our brain as well!




3. 擴闊社交圈子 Build social connection


We connect with strangers while we travel. Through a smile or body language, the difficulty in communication gone. The more connections you make, the more confidence you gain!




4. 逃離生活壓力 Best way to cope with stress and unwind


The fun and relaxation of vacation would increase the release of happy hormones. More happy hormones mean that you will feel less pain and starve off depression!


Don’t spend all your time in work! Move around to get that work-life balance!
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