

現代人愈來愈注意身體, 對飲食也愈來愈高要求, 為的不只是減肥同時也為了健康。減肥是女生的終生任務, 千萬不要為了瘦而胡亂節食, 最終只會壞了身體! 減肥也可以吃得飽吃得健康! 歐美正流行一種新的飲食習慣 - Flexitarian Diet 就是你需要的新飲食習慣!

People are getting more conscious to their health now. We pay attention to diet not just for weight loss but also for our own health. Every woman in different age cares about their bodies but keep in mind to eat healthy even you are on diet. Flexitarianism is an increasingly popular diet that you have to know!


社會開始提倡素食對健康的好處, 有沒有發現身邊愈來愈多人因為不同原因成為素食者? 如果你也打算加入素食行列, 剛開始的時候也許困難重重, 例如身邊家人朋友的不理解或有時會有吃肉的念頭萌生, 總是無法長久地實行。

 Have you notice there are gaining number of vegetarian around you? If you want to join the vegetarian community, try to be flexitarian first! Being a flexitarian would help you get through the tough stage of changing from a meat-eater to vegetarian. 



顧名思義Flexitarian是flexible和 vegetarian的衍生詞, 意指彈性素食者。Flexitarian 非常適合現代都市人, 是一種比較靈活的素食主義。Flexitarian 可以大部時間茹素, 不需完全戒吃肉。飲食以多菜少肉為主, 平日多吃蔬果, 在某些場合可以吃肉補充蛋白質, 非常彈性。

Flexitarian is a marriage of two words: flexible and vegetarian. Flexitarianism is suitable for modern people which allowed them to engage a plant-based meals without completely eliminating meat. 


Flexitarian Diet 不會因完全戒吃肉而令身體的營養攝取不均衡。剛開始茹素和想減重的人仕也十分適合這種飲食習慣! 

Flexitarianism suitable for starter to vegetarian and those who want to lose weight. It is about adding new foods to your diet as opposed to excluding any, which can be beneficial for health!





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