Have you ever felt guilt after eating too much? One day of craziness is fine, a regular workout would balance it out. Here are three nice-quick-easy abs workouts that you could do it on bed! Try to do it every morning and night. No more excuse, let’s kick those abs into shape!
基本指引:每組15 次,每組完成後,再重覆一遍。 若有其他動作加入,或加減動作次數也可。聆聽身體的需要,自己作出改動,這樣才能真正享受運動的當下!
Instruction: Each move 15 times, complete three of them, and do it all over again. You could always do more or less than 15 times. Listen what your body need, modify the workout routine so you could truly enjoy it!

Lie on your back, bend your keens, inhale. Place your hands on the back of your head and upper head. Exhale and squeeze your belly when lifting up your torso. Remember the breathing skill!
TIPS:認為做仰卧起坐的速度越快,減肥效果會更好? 事實是放慢速度,腹部較深層的肌肉才得到鍛煉。
Rapid movements is using momentum not muscle, remember do it in slow motion!

平板 Forearm Plank
Place the forearms on the ground with the elbows right under your shoulder. Arms parallel to the body at about shoulder-width distance. Ground the toes into the floor and squeeze your glutes and tummy.Try side plank if you looking for variation!
TIPS: 保持軀幹伸直,眼睛望手掌前位置,肩與肘關節要形成垂直線。留意臀部不要過高或過低,身體保持在同一平面。
Your head should be in line with your back. Neutralize the neck and spine by looking at a spot on the floor about a foot beyond your hands. Mind your hip is not high or low. Keep your back flat.
星級瑜伽導師Coffee 林芊妤 示範正確plank 姿勢
Model & yoga teacher Coffee Lam showing the perfect plank.
Fight Hard Fitness 導師 Jessy 展示高難度side plank
Learn a challenging side plank with Jessy, Instructor of Fight Hard Fitness
Don't be frustrated about not having a perfect body like the others. Everyone has different body type. Explore the best exercises for yourself!