

長時間坐著電腦前工作,很容易養成彎腰駝背等不良的姿勢,導致脖子痠痛、腰痠背痛。Alive Yoga 創辦人兼瑜伽導師Amy 教大家以牆上瑜伽,利用牆壁做出各種伸展動作,在家中都適合做,有效全身消脂,矯正駝背,同時可改善腰部酸痛問題,立即跟Amy練習一下吧。

For many people, sitting for long periods of time at the office,  this can make you a hunchback and lead to upper back pain and neck pain.

The founder of Alive yoga and yoga instructor teach you 5 yoga poses using a wall, will help strengthening the upper back and tone up the whole body.

動作一: 右手向後彎指向3點方向
Step 1: Shoulder stretch 3 o'clock direction
動作二: 四足跪姿, 雙手雙膝撐地,保持跪立姿勢,放鬆腰背部
Step 2: Cat pose
動作三:  下犬式,腳掌踩牆,將臀部向上抬,使身體呈金字塔的形狀
Step 3: Downward dog
動作四: 雙腳支撐在牆上
Step 4: walk up the wall
動作五:  把右/左腳向上抬起,保持深呼吸
Step 5: kick one leg up

 Q & A


 T: 你/ Alive Yoga專門教學是什麼類型的瑜伽/為什麼?

    What type of yoga do you specialise in teaching/ why?

A: 最初是因為自己經常很多頸背痛 自己常開始練習瑜伽 其後於2013年創立Alive Yoga,專門教學治療性瑜伽,透過瑜伽動作更改身體的例如幫助港人常患的腰背痛Alive Yoga 的正位瑜伽或空中瑜伽 能夠糾正寒背改善體態問題,十分合適香港的OL

I’ve been suffered neck pain and shoulder pain and begin to practice yoga at 34 ,In 2013. I started my own yoga company and mainly teach theraphic yoga. I hope my class could people solve the body pain problems, help them relieve stress. back pain and neck pain which is very common for Hong Kong office ladies. Our aerial yoga class is beneficial in developing a good posture also could correct hunchback .


Featuring in Metro light impact bra 

T:  隨了在瑜伽館做瑜伽,最喜歡在什麼地方做瑜伽? 

    Where is your favorite place to do yoga? 

A : 家中每日鍛鍊,睡前都會於床上鍛鍊,令到晚上有更好的睡眠質素。另外於旅行的途中 ,搭火車及後腰骨常感到酸痛,會透過瑜伽伸展一下筋骨。

I practiced yoga at home everyday and do some simple stretches before sleeping .I like do yoga during traveling , sitting for hours on long-haul flights can be rough on the body , I used to do yoga to help relieve the tension..

Featuring in KAM LEGGINGS

T: Alive Yoga/你 在將來有什麼計劃?

   What is your future plan ? 

A: 將ALIVE YOGA治療性瑜伽繼續宣揚出去,同時參與做更多慈善活動,從而推廣瑜伽對心靈既放鬆,相信這些理念較難放入較商業化的瑜伽班。

I will spend more time on charity work to promote theraphic yoga , I believe these ideas are more difficult to put into commercial yoga class.


T: 最喜歡以怎樣的造型或配搭練習瑜伽?

   What's is your favorite look for yoga?

A : 最喜歡配合季節及當天心情,如夏天喜歡穿較多色彩,不同印花圖案的服飾,同時很喜歡性感的細節如喱士或網面。冬天較喜歡沉色一點,作為瑜伽導師經常一套衣服從出門到教班到下班玩樂工作,喜歡配襯一套時尚的GO-TO 造型。

   I like wearing outfits matching with the season, I like to wear bold prints, bright color outfits in summer, I love sexy lace details and mesh.As a yoga teacher, I used to wear 1 outfits from teaching class to nightout, create a go-to look by wearing leggings ,sports-bra with loose tee.

Featuring in Levi Bralette and  Moon queen leggings

T: 可以分享一下什麼tips去選擇activewear?

Can you share some tips for choose the right activewear?

A: 我個人很著重面料的質素,,隨了款式要時尚,為了配合鍛鍊瑜伽,衣服的彈性十分重要,其次是透氣度及排汗快為考慮因素。

I think the most important things to choose the material should be suitable for yoga,  the material must be skin friendly ,breathable and stretchable .


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