跟時尚名人學習打造休閒運動風 只需要一件單品!

跟時尚名人學習打造休閒運動風 只需要一件單品!

時尚界繼續吹休閒運動風, 大力鼓勵大家穿著休閒隨心一點!  現在穿運動裝已經不再局限於健身室, 何時何地只要想穿得舒適, 隨意地穿上leggings 和球鞋已可出門。只有穿得自在, 才會感到自信, 也許是 Athleisure 如此流行的原因。要打造完美的休閒風只需一件單品, 就是一件低調舒適的衛衣!

The power of Athleisure is such a strong impact to the fashion world. Encouraging lady to express themselves freely, wear what they want, anytime, anywhere.  Comfort always come first in order to be self-confident. To make a perfect Athleisure look, put on a hoodie, grab a pair of leggings and you are good to go!


時尚名人個個愛穿! 超模Karlie Kloss 和Selena Gomez 以全黑打扮, 既低調又型格。 像超模Hailey Baldwin 穿上cropped sweater 和 bomber jacket 讓造型更有層次!

 Celebrities love hoodie! get inspired bySupermodel Karlie Kloss and Singer Selena Gomez take a all black look! If you have sexy abs wear a cropped hoodie like Hailey Baldwin!


超模 Gigi Hadid 經常以Athleisure造型示人, 衛衣配搭leggings 是 Gigi 的最愛!

Super model Gigi Hadid always got caught wearing hoodie and leggings! The best weekend look ever!


衛衣在時裝週暴光率超高而且百搭! 學時尚博和超模的穿搭法, 配搭皮革外套, bomber jacket 或是西裝外套能展現不同感覺!

Hoodie is the star on the street during fashion week! Be inspired by supermodel and blogger, match with leather jacket, bomber jacket or blazer.  You can pull it off!


休閒風就是要這樣穿! 新加坡網紅Victoria Pang 穿上Regan Hoodie 配搭Lucky Performance Leggings 展示粉紅魅力! 

This is a perfect Athleisure style should be! Singapore influencer Victoria Pang matching Regan Hoodie with Lucky Performance Leggings ! Be pink and be charm!



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Regan Hoodie

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