三個保養法 令你的運動褲更長壽 !

三個保養法 令你的運動褲更長壽 !

一款優質又功能性的運動褲價格絕對不便宜, 若保養不宜隨意地放進洗衣機, 那麼你的褲子便會很快變形, 起毛頭。如果你也有經歷過這些煩惱, 一起來跟著以下的指示做,  好好地愛護你的運動褲!  

A functional leggings can be expensive. If you are not paying attention to the maintenance, your pants would soon alter their shape and flexibility. We have some dos and don'ts of washing all types of athletic pants, making your next laundry day much, much easier!  


Influencer JoeMary wearing Aiko Graphic Jacket-Palm Prints &  Futura Leggings


很多時運動後大汗淋漓, 運動衫褲也濕透。換過的衣服應先放在通風的地方風乾, 避免堆在洗衣籃裡, 否則會令霉菌滋生, 引起異味! 要知道那股霉味是很難洗走的, 記得要先吹乾喔! 

Most of the time your activewear are damp after workout. Hanging your leggings up to dry before placing them in your hamper, and the sooner you wash them the better! That can avoid mildew and mold. 


Taisha Light Impact Bra & Brittany Mesh Waist Leggings


許多運動褲都會有網紗設計曾加透氣度, 但是這種薄的物料比較容易穿破, 最好就是手洗, 若必須使用洗衣機, 就記得先放入洗衣袋。但千萬不要使用乾衣模式,會破壞了物料質量!

Leggings with mesh panels are a popular style. These types of garments, while great for breathability and design, are easily snagged by other pieces of clothing during wash. We recommend you place the item inside a mesh bag and hang-dry. The high heat of the dryer can warp individual strands of fiber of your activewear and weaken the material. 



Right : Singapore influencer Valerie wearing Kylie LeggingsPrincess Light Impact Bra

 Left: Sevyn Cropped Leggings


另一個大家都可能會犯錯的可能是放柔順劑! 通常運動褲都有一個功能就是透氣快乾,但柔順劑的矽樹脂會形成了覆蓋在運動褲表面,大大減低了透氣度。

Another tip is avoid washing your legging with softeners. Most softeners contain silicone, which can create a coating on the fabric that weakens its breathability and wicking functions. 


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