在現今的繁忙都市中,T girl 長時間工作,生活多姿多彩,完左一個 meeting,去workout 然後去happy hour 再去 girls night out。有見及此,為照顧熱愛運動既T girl不同的生活需要,Titika 為大家介紹The Busy Woman Project,特別以『繁忙都市女性』為主題,推出網上平台(透過facebook群組, instagram及社交平台) 把擁有共同理念的女性聚集起來,同時於亞洲主要地區如香港、上海、新加坡 及曼谷舉辦不同健身或瑜伽的活動。
The Busy Woman Project strives to build resilience in Busy Women in Asia by empowering them to live healthier & happier lives – to be stronger mentally, physically and emotionally. We do this via our online platform (content, closed Facebook group, social media channels, e-newsletters), developing tools such as BrocnBells.com, as well as host sweatworking events held across Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok and Shanghai.

TITIKA 與 The Busy Woman Project 既Team做左一個簡短的訪問:
T: 有什麼靈感令你創辦 The Busy Woman Project ?
Q: What inspired you to form The Busy Woman Project?
現今社會生活節奏快,每個人都於緊張精神的狀態,生活只有更忙碌,做事都要急急完成,現今女性於生活扮演多個重要角色,可以是家庭主婦的同時是職場上的女強人,慢慢演變出只全情投入工作,遺忘維持健康的生活方式。忙碌是都市女性的最佳籍口,女性很多時把事業放得比自己更重要, 忘記了運動的重要性 ,忘記享受運動及放鬆自我的樂趣。
創辦The Busy Woman Project 因為我們像你一樣生活。 我們要積極追求自己的目標,同時兼顧我們的家庭及愛人。 如果我們的精神和身體不健全,我們該怎麼辦?
All Yoga instructors wear TITIKA total look for fashion showcase of Broc & Bells launch event in Singapore !
In the fast-paced, hyper-connected world, it is easy to get consumed by the hustle and bustle. With women being natural multi-taskers, taking on multiple personal & professional roles, it has resulted in poor lifestyle choices and health for many. Mental and stress-induced illnesses such as burnout and depression are becoming prevalent. This IS happening to people around us.
The sad, unfortunate (but real) thing is despite knowing that our health is of utmost priority, women often place their career goals and others before themselves. It is easy to miss that workout and dismiss it off with a simple “no time”.
We started The Busy Woman Project because we live lives like you do. We want to actively pursue our goals, indulge in our passions and love & care for others. How can we do so if we’re not strong mentally & physically?
T: 可以形容一下什麼是 Busy Woman ?
Q: Who is the “Busy Woman”?
“Busy Woman” 意思指她活在繁忙的生活節奏,她追求夢想,她旅遊體驗這個世界,從而增廣見聞,同時熱愛聯宜其他共同理念既Busy Woman,追求健康,堅持運動,追求品質生活。
Our “Busy Woman” leads a Busy lifestyle. She dreams. She travels to explore the world, grows, acknowledges her flaws, is committed to bettering herself and finds the time to fit in her priorities. She places her health & wellness as her priority and is passionate about reaching out to other Women to inspire them to lead an active & healthy lifestyle too.
These are the values and messages we’ll like to share – to practice self-love, break limiting barriers and build resilience in self.
T: 可以分享一下Busy Woman Project 將來的計劃 ?
Q: What is upcoming for The Busy Woman Project?
我們正專注開拓一個健身web apps 名為 Broc & Bells. Broc & Bells 是一個跟據地區幫你找到workout的伙伴 ,讓你輕鬆找到相近的健身房或瑜伽,範圍㴠蓋全亞洲。
We are currently focused on developing a core tool for "the busy" to live better: Broc & Bells (short for Broccoli & Dumbbells) is a location-based web app to bring busy individuals together over quality wellbeing experiences; and provide health, fitness & wellness brands exposure & business opportunities.
As a user, you will be able to discover curated boutique fitness gyms, healthy cafes and book wellbeing experiences near you, both in Singapore and Hong Kong – perfect for the busy local or leisure & business travellers. In addition, Find Your SweatBuddy is a free feature for both women and men. Utilizing an in-house algorithm, individuals are paired to connect over health, fitness & wellness based on their location, lifestyle preferences and more.
Featuring Luna Light impact bra