今次TITIKA聯同FIGHT HARD FITNESS合辨既集體功能訓練工作坊,集體訓練的好處就是令每位參加者更有動力,跟好姐妹一同參加更有趣,令你沒有籍口停下來! 當日由fit爆專業教練Mon Yee及 Simon Ferretti 帶領大家進行一連串的運動訓練 ,如深蹲、平板攀山動作及反向push up等 , 挑戰多種不同帶氧運動等動作 讓女生一同鍛鍊更FIT更健康既體態。
TITIKA x FIGHT HARD FITNESS is hosting the functional training class, the attendees followed professional fitness trainer Mon Yee and Simon Ferretti’s lead , performing squats, push up ,rope climbers…etc. The group training class provides a unique environment that's keep you motivated and ratchet your fitness level up a notch.
Thank you for all your participation, all your great passion makes the impossible happen. Let’s keep going train up the stronger us.

Fitness trainer Mon Yee wears CARLOTTA PERFORMANCE TANK

TITIKA goodie bags!!