TITIKAxME | 從香港勇闖紐約 Big City Girl - Alana Tsui

TITIKAxME | 從香港勇闖紐約 Big City Girl - Alana Tsui

Alana 在紐西蘭這個慢活的地方長大,但她自小便嚮往大都會生活。大學畢業後她一股作氣搬到紐約發展,一年多後搬到香港這個繁盛城市,一住便住了4年! Alana是一位充滿朝氣的女生,對於自己追求的目標勇往直前。 她獨立的個性十分值得女生們學習!多才多藝的Alana 是一名模特兒同時也是壁畫師。作為現代女性,除了日間繁忙工作,晚上與朋友聚會的夜生活也是必不可少。 到底Alana是如何在急速的城市生活中,兼顧工作同時保持火辣的身型和耀眼小麥膚色呢?
Alana was born and raised in the beautiful and peaceful New Zealand but she's a big city girl in heart. Right after she graduate from University she moved to New York to develop her career. After two years she chose Hong Kong to be her next stop. She lived in Hong Kong four years and recently she has been moved back to New York. Alana is a brave and energetic girl, she chase her dream without hesitation. Alana is a model, stylist and also a Mural Artist! As a city girl she has a busy work by day, hanging with friends at night. Alana share her how she manage her busy city life with us!
 Left: MAJOR BRA & Compress Biker Short 
1. 生活在紐約和香港最大的分別是什麼?  What’s the biggest difference between living in HK and NY?

They are both very vibrant and busy cities but I would say the biggest difference would be the culture. Both cities are always on the go but in different dynamics, I do have to say Hong Kong actually seems more hectic at times from the crazy amounts of people everywhere.


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嚮往大城市生活的Alana 最近返回紐約生活。Alana moved back to New York half year ago. 
2. 你是如何減壓的呢? We know you have a busy work life, how do you release stress? 
I find a really good sweat session is great for letting it all out, especially hot yoga. I also enjoy hanging out with friends, being out at sea or a big night out with lots of dancing!

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Alana 經常到海灘曬太陽去保持她的蜜糖色。Alana認為自信女生是最美的!
Alana is a beach girl that's how she get the perfect tan. She believes confidence and feeling comfortable make a woman beautiful. 
3. 你是如何保持你完美身形?你最喜愛的運動是什麼?  How do you maintain your awesome figure? Whats your favorite workout? 
說實話我不大做運動,但我次運動也一定會全力以赴!Spinning class 是我近年最愛的課堂,能全身消脂。若果我想要更劇烈的運動,我會打boxing, 是很好的帶氧運動,對減壓十分有效!同時也讓我感到自己很強悍!

I don
t work out much but when I do, I always give it 110% making the most of it. Spinning has been my go to for the past two years, its great cardio with full body toning. Lately, I have been getting into boxing for a more intense workout, also great cardio, full body toning, amazing for releasing stress and most of all, it makes me feel very strong in my petite frame.
 Left: Aurore Performance Legging
Right: Fleur Light Impact Bra Ripple Leggings
4. 什麼Titika 設計元素是你最欣賞的? What do you like the most about Titika’s products? 
對於運動服,我最注重物料和剪裁,因為一套不合適的套裝真的會把運動的心情毀掉!Titika 的物料貼身之餘透氣,而且經常有新設計,十分時尚和易襯!

The use of material and cut is very important to me because wearing the wrong gears can be so irritating and even ruin a good workout. Titika’s materials are all excellent, it hugs my body very well giving support yet still very breathable and comfy for workouts. There are always new cuts and designs that are very flattering.
Alana Tsui is in perfect summer transition mode in Madeline Crop Top, Maxi Skirt.
5. 你會如何利用Titika的單品混搭作為日常打扮? How do you mix & match Titika’s item into your daily outfit for your busy life, from work to night out or exercise to meeting? 
我十分欣賞Titika的設計,既有運動裝也有百搭的日常穿著。我可以把Titika 的單品從gym到約會。例如日間穿一件的背心配牛仔短褲,晚上可以穿Titika的裙子搭短身上衣去約會也是不錯選擇!

I love that Titika have the obviousGym workout activewear, but they also have a variety of lifestyle wear that I can easily wear with my everyday wardrobe, such as a stylish tank top with denim shorts for day or one of Titika’s skirts with a cute little crop top for nighttime!



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