今期的T GIRL 訪問邀請了新加坡Barre 導師 Alexia Lim,和我們分享她的運動、時尚心得。在成為Barre導師之前,Alexia 經常嘗試各種不同運動,但並沒有一種運動令她熱愛。當初她也是抱著試試的心態試Barre的課堂,怎料一堂過後樂便愛上了。 也許是有著各種不同運動的底子令她表現出色,Alexia被邀請加入成為導師,電光火石之間Alexia就成為了一位 Barre 導師!
We have Alexia Lim the Singapore barre instructor for this month's T-Girl interview! Alexia shared her attitude in workout and style. Alexia is always an active person before she get into barre. She had tried many type workouts but she never addicted to any of them. One day she signed for a barre class and she found that is it. Later she was invited to join the tutor family!
Many girls may faced this situation like Alexia. You want to maintain a regular exercise routine but you are not into it. Try more, you will meet your favorite workout!
1. 作為時尚愛好者,你對運動裝有什麼要求?We can tell you are a fashion lover. What style of active wear is your favorite?
I want to look and feel as good as I possibly can! I like to wear something that can help to boost my confidence, looking sleek, feeling comfortable and most importantly, the ultra-thin fabric that literally fits just like a second skin.
2. 你會如何把運動元素融入打扮當中?How would you mix activewear into your everyday look?
3. 身為健身導師,時刻保持最佳身形會不會讓你感到壓力?As an instructor, you have to be in good shape at any time. Do you feel stressed about that?

4. 熱愛旅遊的你,出門的時候會否也照常運動? You seem to travel a lot. Do you keep your exercise routine when traveling?