CHANA 是曼谷著名室內單車中心Ryde Cycle 的導師,她是一名自信、風趣、充滿正能量的女生。CHANA 結實的線條,在致力追求瘦削的香港女生眼中,是不合標準的,但她卻散發著陽光的健康氣息!她對運動有著不同的見解,同時也會在堂上與學生多點互動及鼓勵,相信CHANA的課堂必定很吸引!
Chana is an instructor of the popular cycle studio in Bangkok, Ryde Cycle. She is an confident, positive and funny girl. She believes in working out to build up strong body and mind instead of losing weight. Let's find out more in our interview with Chana!
Q. 是什麼原因令你愛上健身?What makes you fall in love with gyming?
I initially started working out because of my high school prom. I was a chubby girl back then and I wanted to look good in my prom dress. I started to realize that I had been getting stronger physically as well as mentally. The mental aspect of it is very powerful and has influenced and shaped me to a better version of myself.
Q.許多女生減肥只為了體重,你認同嗎?Many ladies do exercise only for the number of their weight, do you pursue in this?
This is actually the kind of mindset that I'm trying to shift and free all my ladies out of it. It is toxic and unhealthy to rely mainly on the number of the scale since it can only tell little. For instance, you might be losing muscles during your hardcore weight loss regime and that would result in unsustainable weight loss since muscles are the key to burn for fat. Gymming to me is more than just a pathway to weight loss, it is an endless journey of strengthening and conditioning ourselves body and mind.
CHANA 的Spinning class 十分受歡迎!
Everyone looks enjoy to Chana's spinning class!
Q. 你對運動裝有什麼要求? Any function you expect to your activewear?
Q.你的課堂有什麼特點?Do you have any special teaching skill to make your class more motivate ?
我會和學生互動和溝通,經常鼓勵他們要有堅定的意志,意志比一切重要。 會提點他們完全投入課堂,把其他事情放下,盡情享受上課的時光!
I wholeheartedly believe in "mind over matter", which is the must have element in my class is spiritual and mind connection. I connect and interact with my riders throughout the class and always insert reminders for them to really ride with purpose, to connect to their bodies and just simply let everything go and feel the present moment.
Q・泰國的運動風氣如何? 在健康方面的意識強烈? What do you think of the trend of exercising in Thailand? Do people have consciousness in wellness?
Fitness has become a trend in Thailand recently so only a handful of people are truly conscious about wellness, mostly internationally upbringing Thais or Expats. From my view, we are still far from it being a lifestyle but I am hopeful that we will get there sooner that later.
Like all the other girls, Chana is an indeed foodie!
Q.作為一名吃貨,你會考慮營養和卡露里嗎? We found you a total foodie, do you think about nutrition or calories before eating ?
FOOD IS LIFE. Our life depends on food to grow, nourish, and repair. I used to count calories before and restrict myself too much that I stopped enjoying food. Now I celebrate my foodie soul with wholefoods and nutrient packed food. Because in the end, your body reflects on your diet.
Chana tells us keep fit not equals to losing weight!
Q. 你最愛的運動是什麼? What is your favorite work-out?
My favorite workout movement is lunges which is one of the most effective lower-body exercises. That can strengthen for legs and buttocks!

Q.除了GYM之外,你喜歡戶外活動嗎? Besides gym, do you like outdoor activities?
我最愛郊外行山,呼吸新鮮空氣使我能平靜下來,所以我很喜歡接觸大自然。 躺在沙灘上聽海聲和看海浪也是我至愛之一!
Totally. I love trekking along the countryside and mountains to calm my mind, connect with mother nature, and get a much needed fresh air. I also like to lay down on soft sand and just watch the waves crash into the shore.